Joshua Potter

Effect Systems

20 Mar 2022

As I’ve begun exploring the world of so-called algebraic effect systems, I’ve become increasingly frustrated in the level of documentation around them. Learning to use them (and moreso understanding how they work) requires diving into library internals, watching various videos, and hoping to grok why certain effects aren’t being interpreted the way you might have hoped. My goal in this post is to address this issue, at least to some degree, in a focused, pedagogical fashion.

A large portion of this post has been derived from the implementation of the fused-effects library, chosen because it seems to have the most active development, the smallest dependency footprint, and minimal type machinery. In turn, this library was largely inspired by Nicolas Wu, Tom Schrijvers, and Ralf Hinze’s work in Effect Handlers in Scope. As such, we’ll discuss choice parts of this paper as well.

Code snippets can be found in this git repository.


Free Monads

To begin our exploration, let’s pose a few questions:

  1. How can we go about converting a simple algebraic data type into a monad?
  2. Does there exist some set of minimal requirements the data type must fulfill to make this conversion “free”?1

To help guide our decision making, we’ll examine the internals of some arbitrary monad. More concretely, let’s see what 1 + 2 could look like within a monadic context:

onePlusTwo :: forall m. Monad m => m Int
onePlusTwo = do
  a <- pure 1
  b <- pure 2
  pure $ a + b

The above won’t win any awards, but it should be illustrative enough for our purposes. do is just syntactic sugar for repeated bind applications (>>=), so we could’ve written the above alternatively as:

onePlusTwo' :: forall m. Monad m => m Int
onePlusTwo' = pure 1 >>= (\a -> pure 2 >>= (\b -> pure (a + b)))

This is where we’ll pause for a moment and squint. We see that do syntax desugars into something that looks awfully close to a (non-empty) list! Let’s compare the above with how we might define that:

data NonEmptyList a = Last a | Cons a (a -> NonEmptyList a)

onePlusTwo'' :: NonEmptyList Int
onePlusTwo'' = Cons 1 (\a -> Cons 2 (\b -> Last (a + b)))

runNonEmptyList :: NonEmptyList Int -> Int
runNonEmptyList (Last a) = a
runNonEmptyList (Cons a f) = runNonEmptyList (f a)

-- >>> runIdentity onePlusTwo'
-- 3
-- >>> runNonEmptyList onePlusTwo''
-- 3

Take a moment to appreciate the rough pseudo-equivalence of NonEmptyList and a monad. Also take a moment to appreciate the differences. Because we no longer employ the bind operator anywhere within our function definitions, we have effectively separated the syntax of our original function from its semantics. That is, onePlusTwo'' can be viewed as a program in and of itself, and the runNonEmptyList handler can be viewed as the interpretation of said program.

Making a Monad

NonEmptyList was formulated from a monad, so it’s natural to think perhaps it too is a monad. Unfortunately this is not the case - it isn’t even a functor! Give it a try or use {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} to ask the compiler to make an attempt on your behalf.

If we can’t make this a monad as is, are there a minimal number of changes we could introduce to make it happen? Ideally our changes maintain the “shape” of the data type as much as possible, thereby maintaining the integrity behind the original derivation. Since our current roadblock stems from type variable a’s position in Cons, let’s see what happens if we just abstract it away:

data NonEmptyList' f a = Last' a | Cons' a (f (NonEmptyList' f a))

With general parameter f now in the place of (->) a, a functor derivation becomes possible provided f is also a Functor:

instance (Functor f) => Functor (NonEmptyList' f) where
  fmap f (Last' a) = Last' (fmap f a)
  fmap f (Cons' a ts) = Cons' (f a) (fmap (fmap f) g)

And though we needed to modify our syntax and semantics slightly, the proposed changes do not lose us out on anything of real consequence:

twoPlusThree :: NonEmptyList' (Reader Int) Int
twoPlusThree = Cons'
  2 (reader (\a -> Cons'
    3 (reader (\b -> Last' (a + b)))))

runNonEmptyList' :: NonEmptyList' (Reader Int) Int -> Int
runNonEmptyList' (Last' a) = a
runNonEmptyList' (Cons' a f) = runNonEmptyList' (runReader f a)

-- >>> runNonEmptyList' twoPlusThree
-- 5

Compare the above snippet with onePlusTwo'.

The Applicative instance is slightly more involved so we’ll hold off on that front for the time-being. For the sake of forging ahead though, assume it exists. With the Functor instance established and the Applicative instance assumed, we are ready to tackle writing the Monad instance. A first attempt would probably look like the following:

instance (Functor f) => Monad (NonEmptyList' f) where
  (>>=) :: NonEmptyList' f a -> (a -> NonEmptyList' f b) -> NonEmptyList' f b
  Last' a   >>= g = g a
  Cons' a f >>= g = Cons' _ (fmap (>>= g) f)

Defining bind (>>=) on Last' is straightforward, but Cons' again presents a problem. With g serving as our only recourse of converting an a into anything, how should we fill in the hole (_)? One approach could be:

instance (Functor f) => Monad (NonEmptyList' f) where
  Cons' a f >>= g =
    let ts = fmap (>>= g) f
     in case g a of
          Last' b    -> Cons' b ts
          Cons' b f' -> Cons' b (f' <> ts)

but this is pretty unsatisfactory. This definition requires a Semigroup constraint on f, which in turn requires some lifting operator. After all, how else could we append Last a1 <> Last a2 together? Suddenly the list of constraints on f is growing despite our best intentions. Let’s take a step back and see if there is something else we can try.

The insight falls from the one constraint we had already added (admittedly without much fanfare). That is, we are requiring type variable f to be a Functor! With this in mind, we can actually massage our first parameter into a bind-compatible one by simply omitting it altogether.

To elaborate, it is well known simple algebraic data types are isomorphic to “primitive” functors (Identity and Const) and that (co)products of functors yield more functors. We can therefore “absorb” the syntax of a into f by using a product type as a container of sorts:

data NonEmptyList'' f a = Last'' a | Cons'' (f (NonEmptyList'' f a))

data Container a m k = Container a (m k) deriving Functor

threePlusFour :: NonEmptyList'' (Container Int (Reader Int)) Int
threePlusFour = Cons''
  (Container 3 (reader (\a -> Cons''
    (Container 4 (reader (\b -> Last'' (a + b)))))))

runNonEmptyList'' :: NonEmptyList'' (Container Int (Reader Int)) Int -> Int
runNonEmptyList'' (Last'' a) = a
runNonEmptyList'' (Cons'' (Container a f)) = runNonEmptyList'' (runReader f a)

-- >>> runNonEmptyList'' threePlusFour
-- 7

The above demonstrates NonEmptyList' was in fact overly specific for our purposes. By generalizing further still, we lose no expressivity and gain the capacity to finally write our Monad instance:

instance (Functor f) => Monad (NonEmptyList'' f) where
  Last'' a >>= g = g a
  Cons'' f >>= g = Cons'' (fmap (>>= g) f)

Making an Applicative

The NonEmptyList'' variant actually has another well known name within the community:

data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))

We favor this name over NonEmptyList'' from here on out. In the last section we deferred writing the Applicative instance for Free but we can now present its implementation. First, let’s gather some intuition around how we expect it to work by monomorphizing Free over Maybe and Int:

>>> a = Free (Just (Free (Just (Pure (+1)))))
>>> b = Pure 5
>>> c = Free (Just (Pure 5))

What should the result of a <*> b be? An argument could probably be made for either:

  1. Free (Just (Free (Just (Pure 6))))
  2. Pure 6

What about for a <*> c? In this case, any one of the three answers is a potentially valid possibility:

  1. Free (Just (Free (Just (Free (Just (Pure 6))))))
  2. Free (Just (Free (Just (Pure 6))))
  3. Free (Just (Pure 6))

This ambiguity is why we waited until we finished defining the Monad instance. Instead of trying to reason about which instance makes sense, we choose the interpretation that aligns with our monad.

ap :: forall f a b. Functor f => Free f (a -> b) -> Free f a -> Free f b
ap f g = do
  f' <- f
  g' <- g
  pure (f' g')

Examining the results of ap a b and ap a c, we determine the first entries of the above two lists must be the answer. Thus it is consistent to define our Applicative like so:

instance (Functor f) => Applicative (Free f) where
  pure = Pure

  Pure f <*> g = fmap f g
  Free f <*> g = Free (fmap (<*> g) f)

Algebraic Data Types

Let’s revisit our original questions:

  1. How can we go about converting a simple algebraic data type into a monad?
  2. Does there exist some set of minimal requirements the data type must fulfill to make this conversion “free”?

We have shown that a data type must be a Functor for us to build up a Free monad. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, simple algebraic data types are already functors, thereby answering both questions. To drive this point home, consider the canonical Teletype example:

data Teletype k = Read k | Write String k deriving Functor

Armed with this data type, we can generate programs using the Teletype DSL. For instance,

read :: Free Teletype String
read = Free (Read (Pure "hello"))

write :: String -> Free Teletype ()
write s = Free (Write s (Pure ()))

readThenWrite :: Free Teletype ()
readThenWrite = do
  input <- read
  write input

Smart constructors read and write are included to abstract away the boilerplate and help highlight readThenWrite’s role of syntax. Invoking this function does not actually do anything, but reading the function makes it very obvious what we at least want it to do. A corresponding handler provides the missing semantics:

runReadThenWrite :: Free Teletype () -> IO ()
runReadThenWrite (Free (Write s f)) = putStrLn s >> runReadThenWrite f
runReadThenWrite (Free (Read f)) = runReadThenWrite f
runReadThenWrite (Pure _) = pure ()

Composing Effects

Though neither impressive nor particularly flexible, readThenWrite is an example of a DSL corresponding to our Teletype effect. This is only half the battle though. As mentioned at the start, we want to be able to compose effects together within the same program. After all, a program with just one effect doesn’t actually end up buying us much except a lot of unnecessary abstraction.

As we begin our journey down this road, let’s depart from Teletype and meet up with hopefully a familiar friend:

data State s k = Get (s -> k) | Put s k
  deriving Functor

In the above snippet, State has been rewritten from our usual MTL-style to a pseudo continuation-passing style compatible with Free. An example handler might look like:

runState :: forall s a. s -> Free (State s) a -> (s, a)
runState s (Free (Get f)) = runState s (f s)
runState _ (Free (Put s' f)) = runState s' f
runState _ (Pure a) = a

We can then run this handler on a sample program like so:

increment :: Free (State Int) ()
increment = Free (Get (\s -> Free (Put (s + 1) (Pure ()))))

-- >>> runState 0 increment
-- (1, ())

Let’s raise the ante a bit. Suppose now we wanted to pass around a second state, e.g. a String. How might we go about doing this? Though we could certainly rewrite increment to have state (Int, String) instead of Int, this feels reminiscient to the expression problem. Having to update and recompile every one of our programs every time we introduce some new effect is a maintenance burden we should not settle on shouldering. Instead, we should aim to write all of our programs in a way that doesn’t require modifying source.

Sum Types

Let’s consider what it would take to compose effects State Int and State String together. In the world of data types, we usually employ either products or coproducts to bridge two disjoint types together. Let’s try the latter and see where we end up:

data (f :+: g) k = L (f k) | R (g k)
  deriving (Functor, Show)

infixr 4 :+:

This allows us to join types in the following manner:

>>> L (Just 5) :: (Maybe :+: Identity) Int
L (Just 5)
>>> R (Identity 5) :: (Maybe :+: Identity) Int
R (Identity 5)

We call this chain of functors a signature. We can compose a signature containing our Int and String state as well as a handler capable of interpreting it:

  :: forall s1 s2 a
   . s1
  -> s2
  -> Free (State s1 :+: State s2) a
  -> (s1, s2, a)
runTwoState s1 s2 (Free (L (Get f)))    = runTwoState s1 s2 (f s1)
runTwoState s1 s2 (Free (R (Get f)))    = runTwoState s1 s2 (f s2)
runTwoState _  s2 (Free (L (Put s1 f))) = runTwoState s1 s2 f
runTwoState s1 _  (Free (R (Put s2 f))) = runTwoState s1 s2 f
runTwoState s1 s2 (Pure a)              = (s1, s2, a)

It’s functional but hardly a solution. It requires manually writing every combination of effects introduced by :+: - a straight up herculean task as the signature gets longer. It also does not address the “expression problem”. That said, it does provide the scaffolding for a more polymorphic solution. We can bypass this combinatorial explosion of patterns by focusing on just one effect at a time, parameterizing the remainder of the signature. Handlers can then “peel” an effect off a signature, over and over, until we are out of effects to peel:

runState' ::
  forall s a sig.
  Functor sig =>
  s ->
  Free (State s :+: sig) a ->
  Free sig (s, a)
runState' s (Pure a) = pure (s, a)
runState' s (Free (L (Get f))) = runState' s (f s)
runState' _ (Free (L (Put s f))) = runState' s f
runState' s (Free (R other)) = Free (fmap (runState' s) other)

The above function combines the ideas of runState and runTwoState into a more general interface. Now programs containing State effects in any order can be interpreted by properly ordering the handlers:

threadedState :: Free (State Int :+: State String) ()
threadedState =
  Free (L (Get (\s1 ->
    Free (R (Get (\s2 ->
      Free (L (Put (s1 + 1)
        (Free (R (Put (s2 ++ "a")
          (Pure ()))))))))))))

threadedState' :: Free (State String :+: State Int) ()
threadedState' = ...

-- >>> runState "" . runState' @Int 0 $ threadedState
-- ("a",(1,()))
-- >>> runState @Int 0 . runState' "" $ threadedState'
-- (1,("a",()))


We can do better still. Our programs are far too concerned with the ordering of their corresponding signatures. The only thing they should care about is whether the effect exists at all. We can relax this coupling by introducing a new recursive typeclass:

class Member sub sup where
  inj :: sub a -> sup a
  prj :: sup a -> Maybe (sub a)

Here sub is said to be a subtype of sup. inj allows us to promote that subtype to sup and prj allows us to dynamically downcast back to sub. This typeclass synergizes especially well with :+:. For instance, we expect State Int to be a subtype of State Int :+: State String. Importantly, we’d expect the same for State String. Let’s consider how instances of Member might look. First is reflexivity:

instance Member sig sig where
  inj = id
  prj = Just

This instance should be fairly straightforward. We want to be able to cast a type to and from itself without issue. Next is left-occurrence:

instance Member sig (sig :+: r) where
  inj       = L
  prj (L f) = Just f
  prj _     = Nothing

This is the pattern we’ve been working with up until now. Casting upwards is just a matter of using the L data constructor while projecting back down works so long as we are within the L context. Likewise there exists a right-recursion rule:

instance (Member sig r) => Member sig (l :+: r) where
  inj       = R . inj
  prj (R g) = prj g
  prj _     = Nothing

Lastly, as a convenience, we introduce left-recursion:

instance Member sig (l1 :+: (l2 :+: r)) =>
         Member sig ((l1 :+: l2) :+: r) where
  inj sub = case inj sub of
    L l1     -> L (L l1)
    R (L l2) -> L (R l2)
    R (R r)  -> R r
  prj sup = case sup of
    L (L l1) -> prj (L l1)
    L (R l2) -> prj (R (L l2))
    R r      -> prj (R (R r))

The above allows us to operate on a tree of types rather than a list. We can read this as saying “subtying is not affected by how :+: is associated.”

With the above instances in place, we can now create a more flexible implementation of threadedState above:

data Void k deriving Functor

run :: forall a. Free Void a -> a
run (Pure a) = a
run _ = error (pack "impossible")

threadedState'' ::
  Functor sig =>
  Member (State Int) sig =>
  Member (State String) sig =>
  Free sig ()
threadedState'' =
  Free (inj (Get @Int (\s1 ->
    Free (inj (Get (\s2 ->
      Free (inj (Put (s1 + 1)
        (Free (inj (Put (s2 ++ "a")
          (Pure ()))))))))))))

-- >>> run . runState' "" . runState' @Int 0 $ threadedState''
-- ("a",(1,()))
-- >>> run . runState' @Int 0 . runState' "" $ threadedState''
-- (1,("a",()))

A few takeaways:

  1. The program now stays polymorphic in type sig,
  2. We no longer explicitly mention L or R data constructors, and
  3. We use run to peel away the final effect.

This flexibility grants us the ability to choose the order we handle effects at the call site. By writing a few additional smart constructors, we could have a nicer program still:

inject :: (Member sub sup) => sub (Free sup a) -> Free sup a
inject = Free . inj

project :: (Member sub sup) => Free sup a -> Maybe (sub (Free sup a))
project (Free s) = prj s
project _        = Nothing

get :: Functor sig => Member (State s) sig => Free sig s
get = inject (Get pure)

put :: Functor sig => Member (State s) sig => s -> Free sig ()
put s = inject (Put s (pure ()))

threadedStateM'' ::
  Functor sig =>
  Member (State Int) sig =>
  Member (State String) sig =>
  Free sig ()
threadedStateM'' = do
  s1 <- get @Int
  s2 <- get @String
  put (s1 + 1)
  put (s2 ++ "a")
  pure ()

Higher-Order Effects

This composition provides many benefits, but in certain situations we end up hitting a wall. To continue forward, we borrow an example from Effect Handlers in Scope. In particular, we discuss exception handling and how we can use a free monad to simulate throwing and catching exceptions.

newtype Throw e k = Throw e deriving (Functor)

throw e = inject (Throw e)

This Throw type should feel very intuitive at this point. We take an exception and “inject” it into our program using the throw smart constructor. What’s the catch?

catch (Pure a)             _ = pure a
catch (Free (L (Throw e))) h = h e
catch (Free (R other))     h = Free (fmap (`catch` h) other)

In this scenario, catch traverses our program, happily passing values through until it encounters a Throw. Our respective “peel” looks like so:

runThrow :: forall e a sig. Free (Throw e :+: sig) a -> Free sig (Either e a)
runThrow (Pure a) = pure (Right a)
runThrow (Free (L (Throw e))) = pure (Left e)
runThrow (Free (R other)) = Free (fmap runThrow other)

We now have the requisite tools needed to build up and execute a sample program that composes some State Int effect with a Throw effect:

countDown ::
  forall sig.
  Functor sig =>
  Member (State Int) sig =>
  Member (Throw ()) sig =>
  Free sig ()
countDown = do
  decr {- 1 -}
  catch (decr {- 2 -} >> decr {- 3 -}) pure
  decr = do
    x <- get @Int
    if x > 0 then put (x - 1) else throw ()

This program calls a potentially dangerous decr function three times, with the last two attempts wrapped around a catch.

Scoping Problems

How should the state of countDown be interpreted? There exist two reasonable options:

  1. If state is considered global, then successful decrements in catch should persist. That is, our final state would be the initial value decremented as many times as decr succeeds.
  2. If state is considered local, we expect catch to decrement state twice but to rollback if an error is raised. If an error is caught, our final state would be the initial value decremented just the once.

This is what it means for an operation to be scoped. In the local case, within the semantics of exception handling, the nested program within catch should not affect the state of the world outside of it in the case of an exception. Let’s see if we can somehow write and invoke handlers accordingly:

>>> run . runThrow @() . runState' @Int 3 $ countDown
Right (0,())

The above snippet demonstrates a result we expect in either interpretation. The nested decr >> decr raises no error. Likewise

>>> run . runThrow @() . runState' @Int 0 $ countDown
Left ()

should also feel correct, regardless of interpretation. decr {- 1 -} ends up returning a throw () which the subsequent runThrow handler interprets as Left. What about the following?

>>> run . runThrow @() . runState' @Int 2 $ countDown
Right (0,())

This is an example of a global interpretation. Here we throw an error on decr {- 3 -} but decr {- 2 -}’s effects persist despite existing within the catch. So can we scope the operation? As it turns out, local semantics are out of reach. “Flattening” the program hopefully makes the reason clearer:

countDown' =
  Free (inj (Get @Int (\x ->
    let a = \k -> if x > 0 then Free (inj (Put (x - 1) k)) else throw ()
     in a (catch (Free (inj (Get @Int (\y ->
      let b = \k -> if y > 0 then Free (inj (Put (y - 1) k)) else throw ()
       in b (Free (inj (Get @Int (\z ->
         let c = \k -> if z > 0 then Free (inj (Put (z - 1) k)) else throw ()
          in c (Pure ()))))))))) pure))))

It’s noisy, but in the above snippet we see there exists no mechanism that “saves” the state prior to running the nested program.

A Stronger Free

Somehow we need to ensure a nested (e.g. the program scoped within catch) does not “leak” in any way. To support programs within programs (within programs within programs…) within the already recursively defined free monad, we look towards a higher-level abstraction for help. According to Wu, Schrijvers, and Hinze,

A more direct solution [to handle some self-contained context] is to model scoping constructs with higher-order syntax, where the syntax carries those syntax blocks directly.

What would such a change look like? To answer that, it proves illustrative understanding why our current definition of Free is insufficient. Consider what it means to “run” our program. We have a handler that traverses the program, operates on effects it knows how to operate on, and then returns a slightly less abstract program for the next handler to process. To save state, we somehow need each handler to refer to a context containing state as defined by the handler prior.

As a starting point, review our current definition of Free:

data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))

We see a is not something we, the effects library author, are in a position to manipulate. To actually extract a value to be saved and threaded in a context though, we at the very least need this ability. So can we introduce some change that give us this freedom? One idea is:

data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f) a)

The change is subtle but has potential provided we can get all the derived type machinery working on this type instead. Take note! Previously the kind of f was Type -> Type. In this new definition, we see it is now (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type). That is, f is now a function that maps one type function to another. We have entered the world of higher-order kinds.

Ideally we can extrapolate our learnings so far to this higher-order world. Of most importance is our Functor-constrained type variable f. Let’s dive a bit deeper into what it currently buys us. First, take another look at how fmap is used within Free’s Monad instance:

instance (Functor f) => Monad (Free f) where
  Pure a >>= g = g a
  Free f >>= g = Free (fmap (>>= g) f)

Its purpose is to allow extending our syntax, chaining different DSL terms together into a bigger program. When we write e.g.

readThenWrite = do
  input <- read
  write input

it is fmap that is responsible for piecing the read and write together. Second, re-examine a sample handler, e.g.

runState' s (Pure a)             = pure (s, a)
runState' s (Free (L (Get f)))   = runState' s (f s)
runState' _ (Free (L (Put s f))) = runState' s f
runState' s (Free (R other))     = Free (fmap (runState' s) other)

In this case, fmap is responsible for weaving the state semantics throughout the syntax. This is what allows us to interpret programs comprised of multiple different syntaxes. Whatever we end up building at the higher level needs to keep both these aspects in mind.

Higher-Order Syntax

Syntax is the easier of the two to resolve so that’s where we’ll first avert out attention. Extension requires two things:

  1. A higher-level concept of a functor to constrain our new f, and
  2. An fmap-like function capable of performing the extension.

Building out (1) is fairly straightforward. Since f corresponds to a natural transformation, we create a mapping between functors like so:

class HFunctor f where
  hmap ::
    (Functor m, Functor n) =>
    (forall x. m x -> n x) ->
    (forall x. f m x -> f n x)

This allows us to lift transformations of e.g. Identity -> Maybe into f Identity -> f Maybe. Take a moment to notice the parallels between fmap and hmap. Building (2) is equally simple:

class HFunctor f => Syntax f where
  emap :: (m a -> m b) -> (f m a -> f m b)

We designate emap as our fmap-extending equivalent. This is made obvious by seeing how Free ends up using emap:

instance Syntax f => Monad (Free f) where
  Pure a >>= g = g a
  Free f >>= g = Free (emap (>>= g) f)

Once again, note the parallels betwen the Monad instances of both Frees.

Higher-Order Semantics

The more difficult problem lies on the semantic side of the equation. This part needs to manage the threading of functions throughout potentially nested effects. To demonstrate, consider a revision to our Throw type that includes a Catch at the syntactic level:

data Error e m a = Throw e
                 | forall x. Catch (m x) (e -> m x) (x -> m a)

We can create Error instances of our HFunctor and Syntax classes as follows:

instance HFunctor (Error e) where
  hmap _ (Throw x) = Throw x
  hmap t (Catch p h k) = Catch (t p) (t . h) (t . k)

instance Syntax (Error e) where
  emap _ (Throw e) = Throw e
  emap f (Catch p h k) = Catch p h (f . k)

This is all well and good, but now suppose we want to write a handler in the same way we wrote runThrow earlier:

runError ::
  forall e a sig.
  Syntax sig =>
  Free (Error e :+: sig) a ->
  Free sig (Either e a)
runError (Pure a)                 = pure (Right a)
runError (Free (L (Throw e)))     = pure (Left e)
runError (Free (L (Catch p h k))) =
  runError p >>= \case
    Left e ->
      runError (h e) >>= \case
        Left e' -> pure (Left e')
        Right a -> runError (k a)
    Right a -> runError (k a)
runError (Free (R other))         = Free _

Make sure everything leading up to the last pattern makes sense and then ask yourself how you might fill in the hole (_). We only have a few tools at our disposal, namely hmap and emap. But, no matter how we choose to compose them, hmap will let us down. In particular, our only means of “peeling” the signature is runError which is incompatible with the natural transformation hmap expects.

We need another function specific for this weaving behavior, which we choose to add to the Syntax typeclass:

class HFunctor f => Syntax f where
  emap :: (m a -> m b) -> (f m a -> f m b)

  weave ::
    (Monad m, Monad n, Functor ctx) =>
    ctx () ->
    Handler ctx m n ->
    (f m a -> f n (ctx a))

type Handler ctx m n = forall x. ctx (m x) -> n (ctx x)

Pay special attention to Handler. By introducing a functorial context (i.e. ctx), we have defined a function signature that more closely reflects that of runError. This is made clearer by instantiating ctx to Either e:

type Handler m n = forall x. Either e (m x) -> n (Either e x)

runError :: Free (Error e :+: sig) a -> Free sig (Either e a)

Without ctx, weave would look just like hmap, highlighting how it’s particularly well-suited to bypassing the hmap’s limitations. With weave also comes expanded Syntax instances:

instance (Syntax f, Syntax g) => Syntax (f :+: g) where
  weave ctx hdl (L f) = L (weave ctx hdl f)
  weave ctx hdl (R g) = R (weave ctx hdl g)

instance Syntax (Error e) where
  weave _ _ (Throw x) = Throw x
  weave ctx hdl (Catch p h k) =
    -- forall x. Catch (m x) (e -> m x) (x -> m a)
      (hdl (fmap (const p) ctx))
      (\e -> hdl (fmap (const (h e)) ctx))
      (hdl . fmap k)

const is used solely to wrap our results in a way that hdl expects. With these instances fully defined, we can now finish our runError handler:

runError (Free (R other)) =
  Free $ weave (Right ()) (either (pure . Left) runError) other


The solution we’ve developed so far wouldn’t be especially useful if it was weaker than the previous. As mentioned before, our new solution splits the functionality of fmap into extension and weaving. But nothing is stopping us from defining an instance that continues using fmap for both. Consider the following:

newtype Lift sig (m :: Type -> Type) a = Lift (sig (m a))

Here sig refers to the lower-order data type we want to elevate to our higher-order Free, e.g. State s:

type HState s = Lift (State s)

hIncrement :: Free (Lift (State Int)) ()
hIncrement = Free (Lift (Get (\s -> Free (Lift (Put (s + 1) (Pure ()))))))

type HVoid = Lift Void

run :: Free HVoid a -> a
run (Pure a) = a
run _ = error (pack "impossible")

Here hIncrement is a lifted version of increment defined before. Likewise, run remains nearly identical to its previous definition. Making Lift an instance of Syntax is a equally straightforward:

 instance Functor sig => HFunctor (Lift sig) where
   hmap t (Lift f) = Lift (fmap t f)

 instance Functor sig => Syntax (Lift sig) where
   emap t (Lift f) = Lift (fmap t f)

   weave ctx hdl (Lift f) = Lift (fmap (\p -> hdl (fmap (const p) ctx)) f)

The corresponding smart constructors and state handler should look like before, but with our ctx now carrying the state around:

get :: forall s sig. HFunctor sig => Member (HState s) sig => Free sig s
get = inject (Lift (Get Pure))

put :: forall s sig. HFunctor sig => Member (HState s) sig => s -> Free sig ()
put s = inject (Lift (Put s (pure ())))

runState ::
  forall s a sig.
  Syntax sig =>
  s ->
  Free (HState s :+: sig) a ->
  Free sig (s, a)
runState s (Pure a) = pure (s, a)
runState s (Free (L (Lift (Get f)))) = runState s (f s)
runState _ (Free (L (Lift (Put s f)))) = runState s f
runState s (Free (R other)) = Free (weave (s, ()) hdl other)
    hdl :: forall x. (s, Free (HState s :+: sig) x) -> Free sig (s, x)
    hdl = uncurry runState

With all this in place, we can finally construct our countDown example again:

countDown ::
  forall sig.
  Syntax sig =>
  Member (HState Int) sig =>
  Member (Error ()) sig =>
  Free sig ()
countDown = do
  decr {- 1 -}
  catch (decr {- 2 -} >> decr {- 3 -}) pure
    decr = do
      x <- get @Int
      if x > 0 then put (x - 1) else throw ()

Now if we encounter an error within our catch statement, the local state semantics are respected:

>>> run . runError @() . runState @Int 2 $ countDown
Right (1,())

Pay attention to why this works - we first use our runState handler and eventually encounter decr {- 3 -} which returns throw () instead of put (x - 1). During this process, weave was invoked on a Catch with context (s, ) used to maintain the state at the time. Next runError is invoked which sees the Catch, encounters the returned Throw after running the scoped program, and invokes the error handler which has our saved state.


Though the higher-order free implementation is largely a useful tool for managing effects, it is not perfect. I’ve had an especially hard time getting resource-oriented effects working, e.g. with custom effects like so:

data Server hdl conn (m :: * -> *) k where
  Start :: SpawnOptions -> Server hdl conn m hdl
  Stop :: hdl -> Server hdl conn m ExitCode
  GetPort :: hdl -> Server hdl conn m PortNumber
  Open :: Text -> PortNumber -> Server hdl conn m conn
  Close :: conn -> Server hdl conn m ()

The issue here being running the custom Server handler invokes start and stop when wrapped in some bracket-like interface, even if the bracketed code has not yet finished. I have settled on workarounds, but these workarounds consist of just structuring these kind of effects differently.

In general, modeling asynchronous or IO-oriented operations feel “unsolved” with solutions resorting to some forklift strategy or other ad-hoc solutions that don’t feel as cemented in literature. I don’t necessarily think these are the wrong approach (I frankly don’t know enough to have a real opinion here), but it’d be nice to feel there was some consensus as to what a non-hacky solution theoretically looks like.

Additionally, it is cumbersome remembering the order handlers should be applied to achieve the desired global vs. local state semantics. This is not exclusively a problem of free effect systems (e.g. MTL also suffers from this), but the issue feels more prominent here.


I will continue exploring effect systems à la free, but I am admittedly not yet convinced they are the right way forward. Unfortunately, they can be hard to reason about with unexpected interactions between effects if not careful. I am sure a large contributing factor to this conclusion is the lack of beginner-oriented documentation regarding proper use and edge cases. Just to build up this post required reading source code of multiple effects libraries and scattered blog posts, watching various YouTube videos, etc. And, despite all that, I am still not confident I understand the implementation details behind certain key abstractions. Hopefully this entry threads the needle between exposition and overt jargon to get us a little closer though.